RPG Blood Mage Skill Icons


RPG Blood Mage Skill Icons is a great package. It will allow you to quickly and effectively diversify your existing game content or integrate it into a completely new 2D game. Here you can find as many as 50 high-quality icons designed in the popular 512×512 resolution. Blood whirlwind, summoning the undead, building protection from blood, skulls, rituals, summoning additional damage or abilities, blood angel and this is just a small part of those cool resources that are stored here. All of them have a special style and differ from each other.

You can use them to endow the mage with a certain ability, or you can make a development branch along which more useful and powerful abilities will be opened. Your players will definitely appreciate their appearance. In addition, you can easily integrate them into many modern game genres, 2D worlds, ranging from RPG, adventure, as well as quests to runners and horror. Also, if you wish, you can always add new, more memorable details for each icon. For this, it is better to use any graphic editors that will have similar functionality to Adobe Photoshop.

  • Format: PSD, PNG;
  • Size: 512×512;
  • Quantity: 50 badges.
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