RPG Dwarf Loot Icons

RPG Dwarf Loot Icons


We present you RPG Dwarf Loot Icons. This set is suitable for developers of 2D games in different genres. Create a card game or an iconic RPG. The set contains icons of different sizes, but no larger than 512×512 pixels. Graphics include: different items of clothing, weapons (axes, hammer, pickaxe), food (bread, meat delicacies), booze (jugs, wine, potions), woodwork, bags, bones, teeth, smoking pipes , goggles, gems, amulets, jewelry, etc. Use this set to create various quests or tasks. Also, you can edit each icon. Change the color, add new elements, or change the entire color range in Adobe Photoshop.

  • Graphics: 2D;
  • Size: 512×512 pixels;
  • Quantity: 50 pieces;
  • Archive with files: PSD, PNG.

Icons with a background have a size of 512×512, while icons without a background have a custom size depending on the object.

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